It’s Here

ASRA’s ‘Sound Archive’ no. 44 has been published 

In this edition, there are many fascinating articles to explore including Dr Shirleene Robinson’s paper about ‘Pandemics in the Oral History Collection of the National Library of Australia’, Angela Schillings’ paper about ‘The Alice Moyle Project’ and papers from the seven participants on the ‘Sounds of Silence – Gender Diversity? In the Recording Industry’ panel. All papers were first presented at our recent conferences 2018-2019. 

 In addition, we celebrate our ASRA Award recipients Rob and Olya Willis for ‘outstanding contribution to oral history and recording’ and include a moving obituary of John Spence, former manager of the ABC Archives. 

If you wish to purchase a copy or are interested in our back issues please email ASRA’s editor, Chris Paroz. 


ASRA 2020 Award Winner

